Thu 15 Aug, 2024     < day >

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opening reception 6-8pm (artist present: Aug 31; exhibition walk-through with the artist: Sep 7)

The Red Head Gallery is pleased to present the one-eyed man is king by Gillian Iles.

The Red Head Gallery (T.O. Downtown)

reception 6:30pm

Summer Exhibition. Curated by Phil Anderson. Main Gallery. Participating artists include: Arshin Agashteh, Gülay Alpay, Jake Bowen, Margaret Kittel Canale, Haocun (Sandra) Cao, Madeline Collins, Dave Corlett, Miche ... more

Gallery 1313 (T.O. West End)

reception 6:30pm

Just Portraits Exhibit. Process Gallery. Participating artists include: Nadine Alexeev, Marina Black, Chris Canales-Cisneros, Monica Rooney, Kaeli Stein, Mark Sterling, Lucas Thomas, Helena Wehrstein, Kyla Yager. ... more

Gallery 1313 (T.O. West End)

reception 6:30-9:30pm

The View From Up HighMatt Dampier. Cell Gallery.

Gallery 1313 (T.O. West End)