reception 2-5pm (see Jan 19 for artist talks)
Living Instant: Emerging Members Group Show.
Sandamali Angunaela, Paige Bowen, Francis Pitsadiotis, and Firouzeh Saremi Far.
Propeller Art Gallery (T.O. Downtown)
opening reception 2-5pm, with guided tour by the artist 3pm
Eldred Allen | Scenes from Labrador.
Stephen Bulger Gallery (T.O. Downtown)
s m a l l w o r k s. Big is not always better and small is often beautiful, compact, and welcoming of closer scrutiny. Enjoy our group exhibition of exceptional small paintings, inviting your close attention, admiration and adoption. A ... more
Tarantino Belli Gallery (T.O. Midtown & Uptown)
Howie Tsui | A Click Track for Pugilists.
Artwork preview:
Exhibition text by Claire Shea:
Patel Brown (T.O. West End)
The Drawing Show. Group exhibit.
Participating artists: MIchele Cross, Joanne Filletti, Jackie Gallagher, Peg Graham, Lisa Herrera, Jungle Ling, Max MacDonald, Carole Milon, Cari Sh
... more
Gerrard Art Space (GAS) (T.O. East End)
The Art of Classic Hockey | Paintings by Joseph M. Shocrylas.
Meaford Hall Arts & Cultural Centre (Ontario North-Central)